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Hannu Oja gif

Department of Mathematic and Statistics
University of Jyväskylä
P.O.Box 35 (MaD)
FIN-40351 Jyväskylä

1. Introduction \

Classical multivariate methods (principal component analysis, multivariate regression, canonical correlation, discriminant analysis, Mahalanobis distance, Mahalanobis angle, etc.) are based on the sample mean vector and sample covariance matrix. Mean vector and covariance matrix are optimal if the data come from a multivariate normal distribution but they are very sensitive to outlying observations and loose in efficiency in the case of heavy tailed distrutions. In this talk, robust and nonparametric competitors of the mean vector and covariance matrix and their use in multivariate inference are considered.

2. Location vector, scatter matrix, shape matrix

2.1 Definitions

We assume that tex2html_wrap_inline879 is a random sample from a k-variate elliptically symmetric distribution with cumulative distribution function (cdf) F, symmetry center tex2html_wrap_inline885 and covariance matrix tex2html_wrap_inline887 (if they exist). The aim is to consider and compare the location vector, scatter matrix and shape matrix functionals. The location, scatter and shape functionals are then denoted by T(F), C(F) and V(F), or alternatively by T( x), C( x) and V( x) if x is a random vector with cdf F. To be specific, a k-vector valued functional T=T(F) is a location vector if it is affine equivariant, that is, if T(A z+ b)=AT( z)+ b for any tex2html_wrap_inline911 nonsingular matrix A and k-vector b. A matrix valued functional C=C(F) is a scatter matrix if it is PDS(k) (a positive definite symmetric tex2html_wrap_inline911 matrix) and affine equivariant, which in this case means that tex2html_wrap_inline925 . Finally, functional V=V(F) is a shape matrix if it is PDS(k), Tr(V)=k and it is affine equivariant in the sense that tex2html_wrap_inline933 Note that if C(F) is a scatter matrix then the related shape matrix is given by tex2html_wrap_inline937 The affine equivariance property implies that, if the distribution of z is a spherically symmetric distribution with cdf tex2html_wrap_inline941 , mean vector 0 and covariance matrix tex2html_wrap_inline945 , then, for all location, scatter and shape functionals T, C and V,


where constant tex2html_wrap_inline953 depends of both functional C and distribution tex2html_wrap_inline941 . Note that, for elliptic models, location vectors and shape matrices are directly comparable without any modifications.

2.2 Influence functions and efficiency

The influence function is a tool to describe the robustness properties of an estimator; it also often serves a way to consider the asymptotic properties. The influence function (IF) of a functional T at F measures the effect of an infinitesimal contamination located at a single point x as follows. We consider the contaminated distribution


where tex2html_wrap_inline967 is the cumulative distribution function of a distribution with probability mass one at x. The influence function is defined as


The influence functions of location scatter and shape functionals T(F), C(F) and V(F) at spherical tex2html_wrap_inline941 are then given by





for a contamination point x, r=|| x|| and tex2html_wrap_inline983 . See Croux and Haesbroeck (1999). If V=(k/Tr(C))C then tex2html_wrap_inline987 . Note that the regular estimates (mean vector, covariance matrix) use weight functions tex2html_wrap_inline989 , tex2html_wrap_inline991 and tex2html_wrap_inline993 . For robust functionals, the influence functions are continuous and bounded.

The constants


are then used in efficiency comparisons. It is easy to see for example that, under general assumptions in the spherical case tex2html_wrap_inline941 ,






3.Robust and nonparametric alternatives

In this talk we consider and compare multivariate location, scatter and shape estimates of three kinds, namely M-estimates, S-estimates and R-estimates.

Let again tex2html_wrap_inline879 is a random sample from a k-variate elliptically symmetric distribution with cumulative distribution function (cdf) F. The location and scatter estimates are then constructed as follows. Let tex2html_wrap_inline1003 be a PDF(k) matrix and tex2html_wrap_inline1007 a k-vector. Consider transformed observations tex2html_wrap_inline1011 , i=1,...,n, with symmetric tex2html_wrap_inline1015 . Write tex2html_wrap_inline1017 and tex2html_wrap_inline1019 , i=1,...,n. The multivariate location and scatter M-estimates are the choices tex2html_wrap_inline1007 and tex2html_wrap_inline1003 for which


for some weight functions tex2html_wrap_inline1027 , tex2html_wrap_inline1029 and tex2html_wrap_inline1031 . See Maronna (1976) and Huber(1981). Next we define S-estimates. The multivariate location and scatter S-estimates are the choices tex2html_wrap_inline1007 and tex2html_wrap_inline1003 which minimize tex2html_wrap_inline1037 subject to tex2html_wrap_inline1039 for some function tex2html_wrap_inline1041 . See Rousseeuw and Leroy(1987) and Davies(1987). For the relation between M- and S-estimates, see Lopuhaä (1989). Finally, Ollila, Hettmansperger and Oja (2002) introduced estimates based on multivariate sign vectors. In their approach location and scatter estimates based on signs are the choices tex2html_wrap_inline1007 and tex2html_wrap_inline1003 for which


where S( z) is a multivariate sign function. Multivariate rank vectors may be used similarly as well and the resulting family of estimates can be called multivariate location and scatter R-estimates.

4. Applications

4.1 Subspace estimation

In our first example we consider the problem of subspace estimation. Let tex2html_wrap_inline879 be a random sample from a k-variate elliptically symmetric distribution with covariance matrix tex2html_wrap_inline1053 where P is an orthogonal matrix with the eigenvectors of tex2html_wrap_inline887 in its columns and tex2html_wrap_inline1059 the diagonal matrix with the corresponding distinct eigenvalues tex2html_wrap_inline1061 as diagonal entries. Write tex2html_wrap_inline1063 where the r columns on tex2html_wrap_inline1067 and s columns of tex2html_wrap_inline1071 , r+s=k, are supposed to span the signal and noise subspaces, respectively.

Any shape matrix estimate tex2html_wrap_inline1075 may now be used to estimate the signal space. If tex2html_wrap_inline1077 is the estimate of tex2html_wrap_inline1079 obtained from tex2html_wrap_inline1075 then


where tex2html_wrap_inline1083 is the so called Frobenius matrix norm, measures the distance between the estimated and true signal subspace. See Crone and Crosby (1995).

If we then compare the accuracy of the estimates based on tex2html_wrap_inline1075 and tex2html_wrap_inline1087 , a natural measure is


as tex2html_wrap_inline1089 .

4.2 Mahalanobis distance, Mahalanobis angle

Let again tex2html_wrap_inline879 be a random sample from a k-variate elliptically symmetric distribution and let tex2html_wrap_inline1007 and tex2html_wrap_inline1003 be location and scatter estimates. Mahalanobis distance is sometimes used to measure a distance of an observation from the center of the data


The so called Mahalanobis angles


measure angular distances between vectors tex2html_wrap_inline1099 and tex2html_wrap_inline1101 . Finally, the Mahalanobis distance between two observations tex2html_wrap_inline1103 and tex2html_wrap_inline1105 is given by


All the measures are naturally affine invariant. Again, mean vector and regular covariance matrix give measures which are sensitive to outlying observations; we end this talk with a discussion on the robustified versions of these measures.

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Pasi Koikkalainen
Fri Oct 18 19:03:41 EET DST 2002